Linear functional state bounding for linear positive singular systems with disturbances varying within a bounded set.

Bài báo thuộc danh mục ISI (Q1) do TS, Nguyễn Hữu Sáu- Giảng viên khoa Khoa học cơ bản- Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội; TS. Mai Viết Thuận- Viên nghiên cứu phát triển- Đại học Duy Tân- Đà Nẵng đăng trên tạp chí Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences từ trang 5133 đến trang 5149 trong tập 44 số 6 tháng 4 năm 2021.

Abstract: In this paper, the problem of linear functional state bounding for linear positive singular system with an interval time‐varying delay is investigated for the first time. First, the authors present new conditions for positivity, regularity, impulse free, and the existence of componentwise bound for the state vector of the singular systems without disturbance. Based on the obtained results, and by using state transformations, we derive the smallest componentwise ultimate bound of the state vector of the linear positive singular system with bounded disturbances. Then, we propose some sufficient criteria for linear functional state bounding problems of the positive singular system with time‐varying delays by using some new mathematical techniques. Since the conditions are given in terms of the linear programming/Hurwit matrix/spectral abscissa, we can check them easily and compute directly the smallest componentwise ultimate bound. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Keywords: linear functional state bounding; positive systems; singular systems; time‐varying delays

Toàn văn bài báo tải về tại đây:

  • Thứ Ba, 09:45 13/04/2021


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